How to Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level

There is a proven fact that the majority of prospects don't purchase on their first encounter with your company. Buying cycles fluctuate among the various industries, service and product that's why lead nurturing is such an integral component of your digital environment. Lead nurturing can be easily accomplished through email marketing which has been proved as the best cost efficient way to do so. If you want to create an efficient email marketing program it is crucial that your company utilizes automated marketing to the fullest extent. Applying best practices in email can improve your approach and provide a tangible ROI for your company. Whether it's Constant Contact, Hubspot, Pardot or some other email marketing software making sure you segment and develop your prospects with workflows for email can play a significant role for building relationships and moving leads down the funnel. It is essential to keep your clients on their minds and encourage them to remember you by regularly contacting them. Segmenting your email lists can allow you to send specific messages to each individual. The segmented campaigns of marketers have seen a 760% growth in revenues. With segmentation, you'll be able to create a high degree of personalization through the collection of data about individuals who are keen on your product or service. How 5 How 3


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